A new book reveals Trump vowed to stay in the White House after he lost, telling aides: “I’m just not going to leave.”
“Oh good, another fact, vital to the safety and continuation of the nation, that @MaggieNYT withheld from the public for many months
if not a year-and-a-half so she could put it in her f…… book.” Keith Olbermann
Haberman, who was embedded in the Trump camp for the duration, put money above the national interest. What a disgrace!
Please share widely!
In fairness, we don’t know what Ms. Haberman shared with her many DoJ and congressional contacts “off the record”.
I haven’t seen anything in all these books and all the reporting since 2020 that wasn’t apparent to anybody paying attention to what Mr. Trump and his GOP co-conspirators were doing and saying in public and on the record.
The allegation that Donald Trump vowed to aides that he wasn’t going to leave the White House after he lost is very old news.
Tom, as someone who considers himself politically astute, I NEVER knew Trump told his aides: “I’m just not going to leave.”
I remember arguing with Christopher about this question here at BMG during the 2020 primary and campaign season.
My recollection is that there was widespread consensus that Mr. Trump did none of the things candidates who care about winning an election do. This lead to the equally widespread consensus that he was planning to hold power without winning the election.
Steve Bannon announced, during the campaign, that Mr. Trump would declare victory on election day regardless of the results. Mr. Bannon outlined the whole stop-the-steal lie on camera that day.
He remains a dangerously toxic criminal and seditionist who needs to be jailed. In an earlier time and harsher culture, he and his criminal co-conspirators would be summarily executed.
“Donald Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and Maggie Haberman would save it for the book.” Jeff Tiedrich
That is the accepted behavior in politics, in government, in the upper circles of our winners take all USA. Instead of protecting the nation from the dangers posed by a madman in the Oval Office, we’ve seen dozens of officials busy taking diary notes for their book, or perhaps, editing their resumes for a job opening at FOX – or as we are seeing today, CNN.
There is money to be made. Patriotism is for suckers. How I wish we had more people follow the ways of Jimmy Carter when he left office, and Liz Cheney while in office.