The debate was excellent, really getting into the issues and drawing out the candidates positions and differences. No surprise, I thought Patrick was great, but I also thought that Stein had a surprisingly strong showing. Did anyone else … [Read more...]
Why I didn’t vote Coakley
Today I voted: To pass healthcare reform To support Barack Obama and his progressive agenda To continue Ted Kennedy's legacy I voted to protect a women's right to choose To give Deval Patrick a better chance at winning reelection next … [Read more...]
Voting for Capuano, Voting for a Legislator
I think Coakley and Pagliuca fit better in executive rolls. I think Capuano and Khazei fit better in legislative roles. All of Coakley's experience has been in an executive role. As a District Attorney, she was, essentially an executive … [Read more...]
Was Coakley right in the Geoghan Case?
While Coakley focused on which case she could win, others saw this as an opportunity to make the public aware of Geoghan's sexual abuse. "Charging Geoghan with something and exposing him publicly might well have brought forward victims, … [Read more...]