First, I have written to Senator Kerry, Senator Brown, and Rep. Olver asking them to aggressively push for passage of S. 593, the Ban Poisonous Additives Act of 2009. I appreciate Senator Kerry & Rep. Markey's leadership on this issue … [Read more...]
The Best Things Come in Threes
Now, to the arguments I know will come: (1) the "there are 40% undecided argument" ... very true, but if you want to rely on Patrick winning the undecideds at a 70-30 clip, suit yourself, but thats not a position I would want to be in at … [Read more...]
UNH Survey Center Results
Both Reilly (40-26-15) and Patrick (36-29-13) defeat LG Healey and Christy Mihos in the general (assuming that Mihos makes it that far without self destructing). In the Globe's political snapshot, it seems that both Patrick and … [Read more...]
The Three Musketeers
If there is one positive to the 24/7/365 circus the mass media has become, its that public officials rarely escape scrutiny. While there is plenty of room to debate how scrutinized one politician or group may be in comparison to another, … [Read more...]
I guess …
if my "net approval" was -4% in my home state, I'd be going around the country trying to say things to get people in other states to like me too. Unfortunately, it dismisses Mitt's "I can win in places we don't need to win" electoral … [Read more...]
Ambassador Arnall …
Not to beat a dead horse, but Think Progress both has the Roland Arnall confirmation hearing with a quick bit about Ameriquest, Arnall's tie to the Bush Campaign/Administration, and just how important the issue of subprime and predatory … [Read more...]
All Candidates for Corner Office to appear in same place …
Life emplyoing Tom Finneran is working out just fine for Bio Tech. Then again, Tom isn't exactly lobbying for an unpopular industry. like Tom, Deval, … [Read more...]
National Security, Congressional elections, and the Democratic position on Iraq
Tip O'Neill famously said, "all politics is local" and when it comes to Congressional elections and politics, he's 100% right. At the local level, more and more Americans are feeling the pinch of a jobless recovery. They are … [Read more...]
Empty Earmark Evangelism
The logic that says the increase in earmarks is due to the increased power and influence of lobbyists is spurious. In this sense, the Republican spin on Abramoff is, and this is only by accident, true. Abramoff's ability to pile up large … [Read more...]
Federal Budget 101
The first, and most glaring, misunderstanding in the general public, focuses on the role the President plays in the budget process. Since the 1974 Budget Act (see: good bedtime reading if you are having trouble sleeping) was signed into … [Read more...]