The Auditor's race is as down ballot as you can get, but I'm glad it has gotten as much attention as it has here on BMG. It's an important race that has, with few exceptions, been ignored by the press. I don't think I need to go … [Read more...]
I’m invincible!; or, the personal mandate still stinks
I also resent the government telling me that I have to enter into a contract with a private corporation, and provide them with the most personal of details, against my will. Not only is the Massachusetts mandate unprecedented, its a … [Read more...]
What is Guy Glodis running for?
I got a letter in the mail today from the Worcester County Sheriff's Office. This was originally disconcerting since I don't live in Worcester County and couldn't imagine what I possibly could have done wrong there. I opened it up and … [Read more...]
Please tell me who was lying to me.
He told me that the policy had changed, and I asked when, assuming it was at the new year. Much to my surprise he told me that the policy was changed several weeks ago, and that he was notified of the change by e-mail. I asked … [Read more...]
May I have my $63.42 back, please?
I wrote this letter to the governor just a moment ago and I thought I would share it with all of you in my moment of frustration. ----- Dear Governor Patrick, This morning I plopped down $151 of my hard earned dollars for a zone 2 commuter … [Read more...]
Dear BFK: You are Denied. Pay up, or else. Love, The Commonwealth
First of all and most importantly, I told them I couldn't afford it. My financial situation is even bleaker than it was a year ago, and there are no immediate prospects for a dramatic improvement. It would be impossible for me … [Read more...]
Keller’s Poll is Skewed
Jon Keller just released a new poll showing some surprising results, but how accurate can it be? Nearly 40% of the poll sample has graduate degrees. Thats not even close to being representative. I haven't fully examined … [Read more...]
Who keeps Healey up at night
So, it seems pretty obvious by now who Kerry Healey DOESN'T want to face. In this morning's Globe her campaign accuses Chris Gabrieli of stretching the facts. Last week she was posting a doctored video of him outside South … [Read more...]