A while ago, the editor here posited four reasons why Elizabeth Warren was now 5 pts behind Scott Brown. I can answer that question definitively: She is not in any way likable. She never smiles, she is always pointing and lecturing. … [Read more...]
Patrick and Warren, Tell the truth Elizabeth
Deval Patrick humiliated Elizabeth Warren by not letting her answer a question from a female Fox 25 reporter at his recent endorsement announcement. To parahrase Patrick – no need to worry little lady, I’ll take care of this mean reporter … [Read more...]
Liberal columnist on Warren
Brian McGrory of the Globe wrote today: "But let’s not ever lose sight of one true thing in this or any other political race: The most important issues are the candidates themselves, and more specifically, their integrity, credibility, and … [Read more...]
Warren is in trouble!
I hate to sound like the sky is falling, but Democrats have to realize that Elizabeth Warren is in trouble. The Globe and Harvard today threw her under the bus!!!!! She needs to come clean, no matter how bad the truth, is it is not worse … [Read more...]