And third, we should remember that the investor behind this disaster, Sol Kerzner, is the same "tycoon" who built Sun City, a huge casino complex in South Africa, with the eager support and backing of the apartheid government back in the … [Read more...]
Why Republicans In The US House and Senate Should Resign Their Federal Medical Coverage
We have been trying to advance the government option in bits and pieces since Harry Truman proposed national health insurance in 1948 -- 61 years ago. We eventually covered seniors (who would not be covered under private care because … [Read more...]
BREAKING NEWS: Resolution Opposing Slot Machines and Predatory Gambling Wins At Convention!
UPDATE (by David): Here is the full text of the resolution, taken from this post -- I am told it is exactly what was adopted: The Resolution Whereas the Democratic Party has a long and proud tradition of advocating for social justice, … [Read more...]
Gladys on the MTA (as in Mass Teachers Association)
Disgracing their profession, the Mass Teachers Association is on record as favoring the fantastic jobs that they think will be come gushing forth from predatory gambling and casinos in Massachusetts. The blogger Gladys Kravitz deals … [Read more...]
What Would You Do? What WILL You Do?
"Listen, this stuff is the best. It's cool. It's a rush. It's fun. And besides," the man says, lowering his voice into a sincere tone, "do you how many poor people benefit from this? Not just in the US, but all over the world. I mean they … [Read more...]
Colonel Sanders or Dr. King?
He includes the important observation that there is a growing recognition that state-sponsored casino gambling is incompatible with constitutional democracy itself. This argument is being championed by eminent historian of the civil … [Read more...]
Can the Party Resist the Borg?
The Boston Globe laid out the evidence last week The video slots allow players to gamble incredibly rapidly, winning or losing a game every several seconds without a break, to the point that their brains are undergoing the equivalent of an … [Read more...]
Tim Cahill Proposes Equivalent of Crack Houses to Raise State Revenue
United Press International, quoting an extensive story on the front page of today's Boston Globe, summarizes the reality behind Tim Cahill's -- and, it must be admitted, the governor's -- illusion that slot machines (whether in parlors or … [Read more...]
Cahill Takes The Cake
Really, I thought I had seen everything, but -- at least so far -- this takes the cake. WBZ reports the following on Tim Cahill's Speech this morning Massachusetts Treasurer Timothy Cahill not only wants the state to think about … [Read more...]
Massachusetts Should Run on Dunkin’ (Gas Tax = One Cup of Coffee a Week)
One of the on-going challenges of having any kind of debate in this state is that people have a LOT of trouble with numbers. We have seen this recently with the gas tax. I have been writing about this on Facebook (but this is … [Read more...]