Underlining the thesis that he is more interested in campaigning for the White House than being Governor of the Commonwealth, Willard found time Saturday to deliver the keynote address for, of all things, the Missouri state Republican … [Read more...]
The Republican Split
In an interesting article for the St. Petersburg Times on the recent ConservativePolitical Action Conference in Washington, Wes Allison highlighted the split in the Republican Party between economic conservatives and social conservatives. … [Read more...]
MSM Bewails Blogs
The mainstream media (MSM) is lamenting the end of its information monopoly caused by the internet. In a piece just published by MSM paragon The New York Times after the resignation of CNN executive Eason Jordan reporters write that … [Read more...]
The Chill Wind of Censorship
In an apparent reversal of decades of U.S. practice, recent federalOffice of Foreign Assets Control regulations bar American companiesfrom publishing works by dissident writers in countries under sanctionunless they first obtain U.S. … [Read more...]
The Pride of Mitt Romney
Romney's announcement that he opposes stem cell research shows the depths of political expediency to which he has fallen, and the stranglehold of the religious right on the Republican Party. The Man Who Would Be President has set himself … [Read more...]
Dean’s DNC Acceptance Speech
You have given me an enormous responsibility. But it is a responsibility we share.We can change this Party? but only by working together and competing inall 50 states. We can change this Party? but only by working togetherand becoming a … [Read more...]
Romney Fights For Common Touch
Menino and Romney chatted withthe sports-talk hosts from WEEI radio in Jacksonville at a charity event, the Globe reported. Menino received the bigger cheers ashe climbed to a platform where the interviews were held, the newspaper said. … [Read more...]
Successful Elections!
Pending more detailed reports, neither the State Department nor theWhite House would comment on the balloting or the victory of themilitary candidates, Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, who was running forpresident, and Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, … [Read more...]
Buchanan’s American Conservative Makes Its Case
George Bush is such an extremist he even makes Pat Buchanan look progressive. From a recent solicitation letter by Scott McConnell, Executive Editor of Buchanan's The American Conservative magazine:'While we're beating the hell out of … [Read more...]
Dean for DNC Chair
ror … [Read more...]