Or can he? A broken clock is still right twice a day. A blind squirrel will still find a nut occasionally. According to the Legislature's Democratic Caucus, not so Governor Patrick at least as far as the budget goes. My campaign's Research … [Read more...]
You can’t change the deal?
The legislature changes the deal on tax payers all the time. Why not for public employees as well? Perhaps because it's the union bosses that swell their campaign coffers and union members who make up the ranks of their "volunteers." … [Read more...]
Where is the Common Sense?
Good Government?
Does anyone think we have "good government" in Massachusetts? … [Read more...]
Speaking Out on Spending
I was so encouraged with the great welcome I got from so many BMGrs with my last post about Jobs I thought I would share our latest video on spending. I am the Republican candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Suffolk … [Read more...]
I am the Republican Candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Suffolk District. I think my nearly thirty years of experience in the private sector will better serve the people of my district and of the Commonwealth as our greatest … [Read more...]