As you know, a few weeks ago we learned of the existence of a group that is attempting to undermine the will of the voters on Question 3. Thankfully, it now appears that this group will not only lack support in the legislature, but … [Read more...]
Trivia Question: How Long Did it Take Dog Track Owners to Try to Undo the Will of the People?
Trivia Question: How long after election day did it take dog track owners to begin their effort to undo the will of the people? If you guessed forty days, you're right! According to a tip GREY2K USA received from a confidential source, a … [Read more...]
Post-Election Myths About the Greyhound Protection Act
MYTH NUMBER 1: Citizens did not understand the impact of their vote on Question 3 until after the election. I find this myth absolutely incredible. It has been repeated on numerous occasions, most notably in the lead paragraph of a … [Read more...]
Thank You for Helping Pass the Greyhound Protection Act
We are grateful for the amazing support we received from local bloggers, and are gratified that voters responded to our true grassroots campaign with such a sweeping victory. Some of our blog supporters included Blue Mass Group, Ryan's … [Read more...]
Yes on 3 Campaign Enters Homestretch With New Ad
With election day approaching, The Yes on 3 campaign entered the homestretch today by releasing a new campaign ad titled "Cruel and Inhumane." This ad highlights the cruelty of the greyhound racing industry, and urges citizens to vote … [Read more...]
Dog Track Spokesperson: “You’re Not Talking About Dogs”
Sometimes, the most honest statements in a campaign come in surprising ways. One such example of unexpected candor occurred a few days ago, in a debate between Kara Holmquist of the MSPCA and dog track spokesperson Kelly Carney. … [Read more...]
Yes on 3 TV Ad Urges Citizens to Vote for the Dogs
This morning, the Committee to Protect Dogs launched our first television ad in support of Question 3, the Greyhound Protection Act. If passed, this humane proposal will phase out greyhound racing by 2010. Since the beginning, this … [Read more...]
Racetracks Try to Use This Photo to Deny that Greyhounds Endure Lives of Confinement
First, here are the facts. At local racetracks, dogs endure lives of terrible confinement. They live in stacked metal cages in warehouse-style kennels with shredded paper as bedding. This is documented by photographs that were … [Read more...]
Don’t Let Dog Tracks Get Away With This
With only 25 days left until election day, citizens are closer than ever to passing Question 3 and helping thousands of greyhounds. In fact, according to a poll released this morning, animal protection supporters have a 23-point … [Read more...]
Question 3 Opponents Reach New Low
The debate over Question 3 hit a new low today when dog track supporters tried to discredit video footage of deadly greyhound injuries that occured last year at Massachusetts dog tracks. In a letter in this morning's MetroWest Daily News, … [Read more...]