Here's a repository of articles and so forth on the Social Insecurity non-crisis, in blog format: is power. Let's use it.And let's quote Roger Lowenstein of the NY Times Magazine, just for kicks and … [Read more...]
Spending less on environment?
What's up with this?According to the report, some of the programs hurt by the cuts includemonitoring of water quality, maintenance of nature trails, oversight ofhazardous waste clean-up and access to skating rinks.(Skating rinks count as … [Read more...]
I wanna rock! I WANT… A… ROCK!
Ohhh, Lordy. Here come the musical guests for the inaugumuration (from Tbogg via Atrios via Kevin Bacon, etc):Artist, Description-- JoJo, Pop/Top 40-- Hillary Duff, Pop/Top 40-- Ruben Studdard, Soul-- 3 Doors Down, Rock-- Boxkar, Rock-- … [Read more...]
Actually, yes, I can spare a dime.
So, when is the MBTA going to get some dollar machines for the buses? Usually I just end up sticking a dollar bill in the transfer box anyway; it's less trouble than trying to find 90 cents of change in the couch...Hell, I say just raise … [Read more...]
The Cowboy’s still got the cart before the horse
So now Bush regrets having used certain colloquial Hollywood expressions, like saying "Bring 'em on," to the Iraq insurgency, and saying he wanted Osama bin Laden "Dead or Alive".Of course, if he'd actually gone … [Read more...]
Sleepy, Doc?
The idea that a resident doc is made to work over 30 hours at a stretch is insane and wrong eight ways from Sunday. Is the medical establishment finally... uh... waking up? … [Read more...]
Principalities and Powers
Wow. The always provocative Ed Kilgore at New Donkey almost made my head explode today in this post about the intersection of religion and politics in America.Ed also links to this commentary (LA Times, reg. req'd) by Stephen Prothero of … [Read more...]
Social Insecurity: Grrrrrrawf
Just in case you're new to this blogosphere thing, I gotta say: if you're not reading Josh Marshall's continuing coverage of the Social Security Super Bowl, well hell, you just ain't living. Josh has a hold of this thing like a big dog with … [Read more...]
Jello Pudding Pops for President
Here's an article from Washington Monthly with a slate of non-conventional candidates the Democrats could try to draft for '08: Bill Cosby? Tom Brokaw? Tom Hanks? etc. (Thanks to Political Animal for the steer -- hah.)[Hey, this bolding … [Read more...]
Air America in Boston area
Probably a lot of you already know, but if you haven't heard, Boston now has some lefty talk radio stations, 1200 and 1430 on your AM dial. They include much programming from liberal radio network Air America, and also Ed Schultz in evening … [Read more...]