Almost literally:D.C. officials said yesterday that the Bush administration is refusingto reimburse the District for most of the costs associated with nextweek's inauguration, breaking with precedent and forcing the city todivert $11.9 … [Read more...]
The grassroots demand better hacks, Pt. 2
I wrote this post last month with some degree of bitterness that we of the Center and Left had outraised the Republicans dollar for dollar, and organized better than we ever had, and had nothing but defeat to show for it.Well, now Amy … [Read more...]
Shank attack
See, old habits die hard, and Globe sportsgrouch Dan "Shank" Shaughnessy can't let a little old World Series Championship (let's say that again ... "World Series Championship" ...) get in the way of some sniping at our … [Read more...]
Mitt to UMass: DROP DEAD
Let us harbor no illusions about who is pro-education: Republicans from the President and Congress all the way down have told colleges and their students, past and present, to go @#!% themselves. (For instance, here's a list of current … [Read more...]
Our state thong
You know, I think of myself as a pretty dignified, brie-eating Cambridge liberal ... you know, elbow patches and such. But I can't help but point your attention to this. (Thanks -- I guess -- to the subtly-named "Romney is a … [Read more...]
No torture?? Oh, NOW he tells us.
Gonzales promises non-torture policy. ["Well why the hell did I nominate him, then?"]Tune in tomorrow to watch the fur fly. He may get confirmed anyway (a forgone conclusion, according to many Dems). It's yet more kryptonite to … [Read more...]
Give ’em enough rope… to climb down
(Read the Guinness chalkboard on the picture at right: it's from May '04. Cambridge City Hall is in the background.)With Sal DeMasi now in charge of the House, and Travaglini on the wedding circuit, it would seem that the prospects of the … [Read more...]
Fool me twice, uh… We can’t get fooled again!
AARP also joins in the pre-mortem of Bush's Social Insecurity plan.This could be fun: I'll nominate the SS privatization as the first nominee for the 2005 Great Thud of Non-Event. You can nominate your own Bush initiatives for a big ol' … [Read more...]
Peace on earth, good will towards humans…
... without exception! Look, there are certain folks that are using the season as a political football. For us blue-headed folks, let's not play that game. Hug your kids ... but hug your cantankerous Republican uncle even tighter … [Read more...]
Brookings gettin’ rowdy!
AP reports the smackdown:"Social Security is like a car with aflat tire," said Peter Orszag, an economist at the liberal BrookingsInstitution and adviser in the Clinton White House. "There is aproblem. We need to fix the flat … [Read more...]