Pandagon notes that a buncha kids from my grad school Alma Mater (Indiana U.) have TAKEN A STAND against that pesky liberal bias, which seems to infect the media, academia, and other places where really really smart, well-informed, … [Read more...]
Call your reps. 'Nuff said. … [Read more...]
Social Insecurity
Digby's got exactly the right idea here: Social Security is still the third rail of politics, folks. Time to start acting like it -- and Harry Reid has been showing some attitude: don't give an inch to this loony scheme. This should be … [Read more...]
Even yet still more environmentalism: All politics is *still* local
Really fascinating post at Kos about the success of Democrats in Montana. They're running on the environment as a central issue for sportsmen and farmers. Considering John Kerry's sterling record on environmental protection, it was somewhat … [Read more...]
Surprise! Not good enough = not good enough
[Housekeeping note: David and I will be out of town bringing home the bacon in this holiday season, so there will be light posting until Friday.]Here is a rundown of the problems with New York State's supposedly innovative health care deal, … [Read more...]
Reality-based environmentalism
To continue the rant on the wind farms and environmental thinking in general:The word "environmentalist" is often considered synonymous with "conservationist", that is, someone who wants to keep things the way they are. … [Read more...]
The bigotry is just phenomenal
So, yeah, there are a handful of gay divorces, too. Let's ask the Massachusetts Family Institute why:Opponents of gay marriage said the divorces, occurring so soon afterthe weddings, confirm that gay couples are not equipped for … [Read more...]
Protect the Environment … somewhere else, please.
Frankly it's a little depressing to see that the state's biggest pols have come out against the wind farm: Mitt, Teddy Kennedy, and Tom Reilly. That's going to be a tough thing to overcome, but hope springs eternal.Romney's no surprise, of … [Read more...]
Ding dong the witch is dead
So long, and thanks for ... well, thanks for something... The Governor will miss you, I'm sure.Seriously, Finneran's departure is the best news for MA liberals/progressives/good government/all-around honest folks in years. DiMasi seems like … [Read more...]
It’s the cognitive dissonance, stupid
Orcinus settles the anti-war marginalization battle with this paragraph [found through Atrios]:So really, what doesn't help matters is evading the issue by implying the people who opposed the Iraq war -- that is, the people who were right-- … [Read more...]