Headlines Today: "Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million" http://abcnews.go.com/Business... "Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party" http://foolocracy.com/2008/12/... "Citibank executives … [Read more...]
Lisa Miller Should Know Better (Cross-Posted: RedMass)
Analysis: Patently FALSE. The Bible explicitly defines marriage as an inviolate covenant between one man and one woman (NIV text): Genesis 2:23-24: 23The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she (singular, … [Read more...]
How Are Your TAXES Doing?
1999 vs. 2008; How are YOUR taxes doing? Taxes...You will find these statistics enlightening: www.taxfoundation.org/publications/show/151.html (you can verify the numbers here) Taxes under Clinton 1999: Single making 30K - tax … [Read more...]
Was it something I said?!?!?!? I twice tonight have posted remarks regarding Hillary, on a "promoted by David" dairy. They seem to be missing in action. Once, I could understand, but TWICE? Just wondering (the first time). Just beginning to … [Read more...]
DC Lunacy, SCOTUS and the Second Amendment
Well, too bad for them. Because of the fact that, either way they lose, I am believing they are staving off the inevitable to allow themselves time enough to do damage control to salvage such of their draconian gun control laws as is … [Read more...]
A Public Apology to Bob Bateman
Having attended a funeral of a close friend?s son, murdered by the madman at VT, I was in a somewhat less than amiable mood regarding the issue of gun control, and the lunacy on the VT campus. In fact, to a certain degree, I will probably … [Read more...]
DC “Annie, Get Your Gun” – Reprise
While any dimwit who can read understands that the Second Amendment applies to the people, not the militia, liberal courts and organizations such as the Brady Bunch continue to try to establish a basis for the 2nd as a COLLECTIVE right, … [Read more...]
Cool. BUT, who?s going to stop the aQ idiots from killing both our troops AND the cooperating Iraqis, while all this really good stuff happens? While we play the benign role of peacemaker? While we sort of just stand around with our thumbs … [Read more...]
“Undocumented Citizens” My Anatomy!
Our country has a twenty-million-person problem. http://www.csmonitor... This is the rather realistic number of illegal aliens estimated to have broken and entered our country and stayed. Illegally here though they may be, they stayed. And … [Read more...]
Coises, Foiled Again!
There are about 215 million guns of all types owned by Americans. With our population of 300 million, this amounts to two guns for every three people. And with total murders in the US by gun annually, at just under eleven thousand, it is a … [Read more...]