Update: Mass Dems are calling on Rep. Diehl to cancel the event The Boston Globe is reporting that Rep. Geoff Diehl (R) who defeated Rep. Allen McCarthy in November got caught making a tiny campaign finance mistake last week... He simply … [Read more...]
Scott Brown asks David Koch for Money!
via ThinkProgress, Original Post here. h/t Pat120 on Twitter At the public dedication of MIT's David H. Koch Integrative Cancer Institute last Friday, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) effusively thanked conservative billionaire David Koch for … [Read more...]
Remember: Planned Parenthood and PBS = BAD. ExxonMobil = GOOD.
Rep. Bill Keating’s Maiden Speech on the House Floor
(for some reason, I can't get the quote below in blockquotes) [fixed! -ed.] "Good ideas are not restricted to one political party or the other, so I look forward to hearing from my constituents of all political stripes. If my neighbor in … [Read more...]
Thank You, Representative Patrick.
A BRIEF MEMOIR OF TEN YEARS IN THE MASSACHUSETTS HOUSE State Representative Matthew Patrick It's never easy to lose an election because it is such a public process. You can't hide when you are given the news. You must face your supporters … [Read more...]
The first 2012 Senate Poll is out…
Let me summarize it for you: The 2012 Senate campaign started in January and deserves our full attention now that November 3rd has passed. Public Policy Polling put Scott Brown up against Vicki Kennedy, Deval Patrick, Mike Capuano, Steve … [Read more...]
Rob O’Leary: Please Tell the Truth about Bill Keating
Not having spoken to anyone within Mr. O'Leary's campaign, I'm not really sure where they got the idea that Keating wants 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan. I mean, I understand where they took the number from - House Resolution 4899 - … [Read more...]
Charlie Baker: Please stop plastering AstroTurf over the Grassroots on Twitter!
After a few weeks of observing the Baker Bots tweet, I received an anonymous tip as to the identity of one of the anonymous accounts. I was told that @TomSnod was really none other than Jay Altschuler, Northeastern University College … [Read more...]
Baker Rakes in $46k from Health Care Industry Friends in February
I am proud to live in Massachusetts, a state that has mandated that EVERYONE must have health insurance. Unfortunately, the programs that the state government has set up to provide health insurance to all are incredibly expensive to … [Read more...]