A heads up from this weeks Mass. AFL-CIO Labor Reader: 12/19: Light a Candle for Change at Wal-Mart What: United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1445 will host a candlelight vigil at the Framingham Wal-Mart. Together we will light … [Read more...]
Thoughts on the Dem. Candidates
I have serious problems with the three frontrunners. Hillery I won't vote for under any circumstances. Edwards turns me off bigtime and Obama, though personable and indeed charming, simply isn't ready to be top banana. The three of them … [Read more...]
Kucinich/Gravel: The Ticket of Hope
The MSM have already crossed Gravel off the list and I fear that Kucinich will be next. The MsM don't like truthtellers - look at what they did to Howard Dean! It is for that reason, not because of low poll numbers or underwhelming … [Read more...]
leveling the playing Field for Mass. Blind
To address these issues, Perkins has partnered with seven other agencies to develop a plan to make improvements in service, with the goal of increasing self-sufficiency, independence, economic growth and training for individuals who are … [Read more...]