The key point of the editorial is made in the second sentence, and it bears repeating: Instead of wasting money and good will on litigation, the administration officials should meet with families of Fernald residents to discuss ways of … [Read more...]
The Herald’s misinformation on Fernald
Secondly, the editorial repeats the administration's undocumented assertion that it costs $239,000 per resident per year to operate Fernald, compared with $102,000 in the community. As we have repeatedly pointed out (until our … [Read more...]
Secretary Bigby, can we see your Fernald analysis?
Let's put aside the fact that currently there are no community settings that do provide comparable services to Fernald. That's the basis of the families' concern over closing Fernald.But what about the proposal to scale … [Read more...]
The silence surrounding Fernald
Lately, the Arc has mounted a campaign to urge Gov. Patrick to appeal U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Tauro's ruling last month that Fernald should remain open. Joining the campaign this week has been state Representative Tom … [Read more...]
A compromise proposal for Fernald
The Fernald families are not seeking to preserve the status quo. They are proposing the development of a smaller facility on the site, which could continue to provide medical and nursing, dental, adaptive wheelchair, … [Read more...]
Why we’re ignoring our crumbling infrastructure
Cross-posted from The Accountable Strategies blogBetween these two reports, a convincing case is made that unless we take meaningful steps to address this situation, the United States is headed from industrialized toward third-world nation … [Read more...]
The ongoing canard about Fernald
In the years I worked for COFAR, I was never able to get the Globe or the media in general to understand that using a per-person cost figure at an institution like Fernald, without making an apples-to-apples comparison with costs elsewhere, … [Read more...]
Who was responsible for the Big Dig Tunnel collapse?
Cross-posted from the Accountable Strategies blogOne is tempted to ask whether she will be satisfied at that point. But if she gets one conviction or 10 convictions, will that make our highway and tunnel system safer? Will … [Read more...]
A rush to judgment in the Big Dig tunnel collapse
Cross-posted from the Accountable Strategies BlogPowers Fasteners may well be guilty of all of these charges and may deserve to have the book thrown at them. But certainly others are to blame in this mess. Yet from the tenor of … [Read more...]
Determining the “best” companies
In fact, corporate ethics have become a topic of growing interest in recent years, even sparking new centers of academic research, such as the Kennedy School's Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative, the Center for Corporate Citizenship … [Read more...]