Predictably, Bernard Kerik's abrupt withdrawal as Bush's nominee for Director of Homeland Security, ostensibly for nanny-type problems (but see the New York Daily News in particular for Kerik's other "difficulties"), has led our … [Read more...]
Almost as good
OK, it's not quite as fabulous as the hoax chart purporting to show that states with higher average IQs voted for Kerry. But it's still pretty good.First, we're proud to say that according to the Education State Rankings (which take … [Read more...]
The tough question
It was all over today's papers: a National Guardsman surprised Defense Secretary Rumsfeld in Kuwait by asking him a tough question about why soldiers had to scavenge through junkyards to find armor for their vehicles. It also now … [Read more...]
There’s something about Harry
Senate Democratic leader-elect Harry Reid (D-Nev.) apparently could support Scalia for Chief Justice, but considers Thomas an "embarrassment." Liberal groups dutifully expressed outrage, as did pro-Thomas conservatives.Is … [Read more...]
Can an Attorney General win?
Item: the no-nonsense Attorney General of a blue state has decided to take on the incumbent "moderate" Republican Governor in 2006. I'm actually talking about New York's Eliot Spitzer, who has just made it official, but it … [Read more...]
Things that make you say “hmm…”
The LA Times reports on the increasing prevalence of adult "superstores" in rural America, primarily near off-ramps of interstate highways (hat tip to How Appealing).The story reminds me of the time I spent driving around rural … [Read more...]
More red state “values” – lol!
As we've already noted, Massachusetts - the bluest of the blue states, we're proud to say - has the lowest divorce rate in the country. Now it turns out that the blues again put the reds to shame when it comes to teen … [Read more...]
The Next Chief Justice (part 2)
So why in the world do I think it would be a good thing for President Bush to name Justice Scalia or Thomas as ailing Chief Justice Rehnquist's successor?For two reasons. First, because Bush will have to burn an enormous quantity of … [Read more...]
Of trees and menorahs
Every December, there's a huge fight somewhere over "holiday displays" on public property (hat tip to How Appealing for the link). The argument usually runs something like this:Can we have a Christmas tree? If we have … [Read more...]
Let the people wait
As you'll recall, the rallying cry for the anti-gay marriage crowd during the constitutional convention earlier this year was not so much "we hate gays" (that might be seen as intolerant and likely to turn off moderates), but … [Read more...]