The statement continues: has been at the forefront of this coalition. We were asked to participate in the planning, development and will be active members in the ongoing campaign. I want you also to know that yesterday … [Read more...]
Middleborough update
Elsewhere at Cape Cod Today, the indefatigable Peter Kenney tells the exceedingly weird story of Desiré Hendricks Moreno, secretary of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council and sister of Shawn Hendricks, who took over as chairman of … [Read more...]
“Yes” to gambling; “no” to casinos
When you look at the actual results (PDF), the numbers are even more striking. For instance, respondents were asked, "If Massachusetts were to permit casinos to open, would you want them to be in urban or rural areas?" Check this out:Those … [Read more...]
House of cards
For those of you just tuning in, here's some more of the back story: All five selectmen support the casino, but two of them were elected or re-elected too recently to be subject to recall. One of those two, Adam Bond, has been the town's … [Read more...]
Middleborough’s “no” vote revisited
Murphy closes with an anecdote about Ted Eayrs, a town assessor in Middleborough, who says he voted in favor of the agreement, but then turned around and voted "no" on the nonbinding question because, all things considered, he'd rather … [Read more...]
Gambling while blindfolded
Cross-posted from Media Nation.What was Gov. Deval Patrick doing during all those months when he was trying to make up his mind about casino gambling?Well, here's one thing he wasn't doing: He wasn't consulting with outside … [Read more...]
Spending the same money twice
More than 100 people crowded into a function room at the Omni Parker House for the nearly two-hour event, with television cameras lined up in the back of the room. With the governor making his unfortunate announcement yesterday, casino … [Read more...]
New Bedford’s loss, Middleborough’s gain
The Boston Herald and the Boston Globe round up Beacon Hill reaction.In an editorial, the Globe opines: "Massachusetts lawmakers who have opposed casino gambling in the past, including House Speaker Sal DiMasi, must come to terms with … [Read more...]
Patrick’s corruption tax
Cross-posted from Media Nation. The Boston Globe's Frank Phillips reports that Gov. Deval Patrick has decided to support three Massachusetts casinos. Under his plan, the state would put them out to bid, and the Mashpee Wampanoags … [Read more...]
Beyond the FBI’s casino probe
Now comes word, in today's Boston Globe, Boston Herald and Cape Cod Times, that the FBI is investigating the tribe's finances. Once again, I'm in awe of Kenney's sources. He first got wind of this on Wednesday, and … [Read more...]