The Globe's endorsement of John Huntsman mentioned that He delighted right-wing supporters by replacing a graduated state income tax with a flat tax." Can someone explain to me why Massachusetts delights right-wing supporters by having a … [Read more...]
Time for the sales tax on alcohol
There should be two taxes on alcohol: a tax on quantity, and a tax on quality. There should be a minimum tax, based on volume ($X per barrel, keg, etc), so that even super cheap alcohol contributes to the social cost of alcohol consumption, … [Read more...]
Obama Mandates Birth Control Coverage
Mandated Insurance about to be ruled unconstitutional??
Judges sharply challenge healthcare law Skeptical questions from three federal judges in Atlanta suggest they may be ready to declare unconstitutional all or part of the healthcare law promoted by the Obama administration and passed … [Read more...]
Medicare entitlement reform must reform sense of entitlement
I think it's time to ask "the hard questions" about entitlement reform. Alongside the news stories about the debate over medicare entitlements, we are starting to see news stories like this one crop up on DrudgeReport: Baby boomers fueling … [Read more...]
Sen. McConnell Follows Brown’s Lead
So in contrast to all the wisdom around here that Brown is not ready for prime time because he was candid about the political negotiation dance of Ryan's budget proposal, it seems that Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (US Senator since 1984, … [Read more...]
Do we pay for Freestyle Motorcross injuries?
I just watched a Fox segment about <a href="">Freestyle Motorcross</a> that featured interviews with riders talking about how many bones they've broken and blood transfusions and … [Read more...]
Huffington Post Mourns
Do we still need birthright citizenship?
From that AZCentral article:If lawmakers are able to one day force a reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment, which now is recognized as granting citizenship to nearly everyone born in the United States, parents would for the first time in … [Read more...]
Arizona Birther Bill House v Senate
Interesting discrepancy between the Arizona Senate and House on the meaning of Natural Born Citizen. This article says they are "nearly identical" but, no, the Senate's bill is correct, and it is no minor distinction: their version would … [Read more...]