Colbert not only called out King George and his lackeys on their irresponsible and downright fascist policies, he did it just seconds after the King himself walked from the podium. Colbert ripped the gloves off for this fight, which is … [Read more...]
Media Gushing
Perhaps it was just too much -- listening to WBUR while reading the opinion page of the Globe. At the same time BUR's recap of the State GOP Convention aired, I began reading Joan Vennochi's latest.I generally like Vennochi's columns, even … [Read more...]
Winning the battle on our turf
BMG also values and encourages opposing viewpoints, rather than censoring posters (save for one blatant case of hate speech I saw nixed, and rightly so.) It's true to our principles of free speech. (And certain other blogs would do well to … [Read more...]
At the front lines of education
Brian Mooney has a great write-up on Kathy Kelley, head of the Mass. Federation of Teachers and a leader in education improvements.It's sad to see her go b/c she embodies everything that's great about our teachers -- dedication, … [Read more...]
Can’t live here
While income tax rates may be a top political issue, state elected and opinion leaders are all wrapped in the housing issue. The Globe covers the boom in home sales in Lawrence in today's paper.Housing is the biggest problem facing … [Read more...]
Taxing Politics
Smart politicians tax well by doing one of two things: hiding the tax or raising it during wartime. In Europe, they do quite well at hiding taxes with the Value-Added Tax, which is one reason they're able to tax so high and provide so many … [Read more...]
Romney in the national media
Lisa Wangsness writes, in her reserved news analysis that Romney's got the national media gushing.Here's why: To anyone who only vaguely follows Massachusetts politics, here's the picture from yesterday's bill signing -- A Republican … [Read more...]
Carroll coverage and blogs in the media
When Jill Carroll was taken hostage in Iraq, the war of opinions played out most starkly in the blogs, where writers correctly felt free to post a wide range of opinions.Now, weeks later, the print and broadcast media have begun to analyze … [Read more...]
My Free Lunch
Call 'em user fees, call 'em assessments, call 'em anything but a spade. They're still taxes.And what's revolutionary about taxes going to a republican (small r) government is that they're actually used to pay for services for the people. … [Read more...]
Big Dig’s “Brownie”?
Bush recently picked former Dig manager Richard Capka to head the federal highway department. Thank God, Kerry blocked it.In the article, Sen. Kerry asks the Bush administration why they would appoint the (Michael) "Brownie" of highway … [Read more...]