When I flip through the Globe (or click, as it were) I tend to focus only on the "National", "City and Region" and "Opinion" sections.I sometimes forget how much important news is covered in the "Business" section of the Globe. Aside from … [Read more...]
anatomy of a deranged squirrel(‘s argument)
"'Kerry did not have a single message that resonated with married parents,' the scholar Barbara Dafoe Whitehead wrote after the 2004 election. 'He opposed the right to parental notification for minors' abortions, condoned partial-birth … [Read more...]
young and impoverished (DCI thoughts contd.)
When my friend "Rob" moved back in with his parents I laughed at him. He got a great engineering degree from a top-tier Catholic college and solid job and he can't find an apartment?? Really now.How much could it really cost to live on your … [Read more...]
citizen journalism, anyone?
Charley suggested we get out there and get involved in what's happnening in our communities (a la Lynne of "Left in Lowell.")Here's a great article about a Watertown blogger by former Boston Phoenix media critic Dan Kennedy. The blogger's a … [Read more...]
Priceless! Ex-Md. Gov “barks like a dog”
If you thought Romney/Healey was the height of incompetency, check out this article from the Baltimore Sun. Former Gov. William Donald Schaefer, while waiting for Gov. Robert Ehrlich to arrive at a hunger drive, "barked like a dog" and then … [Read more...]
media jabs (and pulled punches)
One thing that some activists love to do is attempt to skewer the media for bias and unfairness. It's pretty hard to quantify (and therefor qualify) those arguments, but it still falls into the sort sportsman's style of political analysis … [Read more...]
journalism, disclosure and ethics
Many bloggers now face the same ethical and professional questions journalists continually face as professional writers and reporters. After David's presentation at the DCI, and subsequent discussions there and on this blog, many … [Read more...]