The reasons for Clinton's historical fundraising levels are well-known. She is a major national player in the Democratic Party, was first lady for eight years, has been elected to the US Senate twice, and her husband was President of … [Read more...]
“Pimping”: Why Some White Male Progressives are Fascinated w/Using Offensive Pseudo-Ghetto Slang
In fact, white (usually male) "progressives" have taken the term "bitch slap" entirely out of its originally limited underclass context and usage and are using it instead as a generally applicable synonym for "to castigate" and "to put in … [Read more...]
“White-News” vs. the Blackosphere
But now that we have blogs, to what extent have American blogs changed the white-news paradigm? In my experience, white blogs are just as committed to white-news as is the mainstream media. White blogs are mostly dedicated to … [Read more...]
Vaccinations Against Childhood Disease More Accessible in Brazil than US
When I got to Brazil, I discovered that all of the medications that I needed but could not afford in the United States are available for free at all Brazilian government health clinics, even for visitors from the United States. In … [Read more...]
Which Democratic Presidential Candidate Has Demonstrated Most Commitment to Liberal Issues?
This is a beta version of the liberal work history resume chart, to be updated as more information becomes available. Year Hillary ClintonJohn EdwardsBarack ObamaBill Richardson 1969Yale-New Haven Hospital internship 1970 Children's … [Read more...]
John Edwards’ Incredible Utopian Promises Increasing
Now, Edwards also promises to stop global warming, but is this even possible? With sufficient political will, we can immediately stop contributing so much to global warming, but even then the earth will continue to warm for some time to … [Read more...]
Blogger Sponsored Candidates’ Forum is Edwards Scandal Times 10,000
Even after the Edwards Blogger Scandal, a commenter here said,It would be interesting to see a formal study where someone took a random sample of diaries on Dkos and analyzed how many of them are anti-religious. Or, some other scientific … [Read more...]
” What If ” Hillary’s Popularity is Mostly Due to Bill’s Incredible Popularity?
If Bill Clinton's reputation is that powerful . . . Continued at the Francis L. Holland Blog … [Read more...]
Is Francis L. Holland a “Bull in a China Shop”?
In this "bull in a china shop" metaphor, if I am the "bull", then who is the fragile "china"? Are the political ideas of the whitosphere so fragile that the slightest bit of irreverent examination will shatter them like glass? … [Read more...]
Should Having a Penis Be a Requirement for Holding the US Presidency?
But, because of recent advances in technology and culture, the penis has been largely eclipsed as a tool of national governance and international diplomacy. Today, brains are thought to give women the same gravitas that penises gave … [Read more...]