"A policeman's first obligation is to be responsible to the needs of the community he serves. The problem is, that the atmosphere does not yet exist in which an honest police officer can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow … [Read more...]
Obama to address nation tonight
Former President Barack Obama will speak about the recent protests against police violence tonight at a My Brother's Keeper Alliance town hall live streamed at 5 p.m. on obama.org. If you've forgotten what a real leader of a democracy … [Read more...]
Joe Biden speaks to the Nation
These last few days have laid bare that we are a nation furious at injustice. Every person of conscience can understand the rawness of the trauma people of color experience in this country, from the daily indignities to the extreme … [Read more...]
Biden on bigotry
"I used to think you could defeat bigotry. But it only hides. And when you give it oxygen ... it, in fact, brings out the worst in -- it sort of condones activity that is across the board, totally inappropriate. And we must speak out." … [Read more...]
Trump poll numbers tank as 100,000 Americans die of COVID and 40 million Americans lose their job
Joe Biden comforted the nation yesterday with a filmed national in-person empathetic eulogy telling those who have lost someone to COVID that: "based on experience I pray that the day will come when the thought of your lost loved one will … [Read more...]
It doesn’t matter
"It doesn't matter if you love Joe Biden. It doesn't matter if he was your first or your 5th choice. It doesn't matter if he checks all your boxes. What matters is that he is the guy standing between you and the utter destruction of … [Read more...]
“Let them play golf”
As the people of France starved to death, they appealed to their leaders for bread. The queen, Marie Antoinette, infamously replied : "Let them eat cake!" Now, to appreciate the context of that slap in the face to the poor; only the rich … [Read more...]
Channeling Churchill
"We shall infect on the beaches, we shall infect in the praying churches, we shall infect in the bars, we shall infect in the streets, we shall infect in the hillbilly hills, we shall never surrender to stay-at-home tyranny or wearing a … [Read more...]
Biden At Large Delegates elected today
Seven Biden At-Large Male Delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin were elected today by Massachusetts Democratic State Committee members . They are listed below next to their vote tally: Julian Cyr … [Read more...]
Mike Bloomberg will support Joe Biden…big time!
CNBC reports that sources close to Mike Bloomberg say he plans to spend in excess of $250,000,000 to support Joe Biden. And that doesn't include what he could give toward assisting congressional Democrats. The Diaper Drumpf and his … [Read more...]
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