I spent a beautiful Saturday indoors today---this politicoholic needs to get a life --- watching the South Carolina Democratic State Convention / Rep. James Clyburn free Friday night Fish Fry which he started back in the early 1990's as a … [Read more...]
Believe in the better angels of our nature
Please. For the love of freedom, democracy, and our country I'm calling on all Democrats as patriots to stop eating our own and focus on defeating Trump. Why can't we support our chosen primary candidate without tearing others down? Joe … [Read more...]
Joe Biden on Father’s Day
"As my father believed, there's no higher calling for a woman or a man to be a good mother or a good father. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there who work every day to help raise their children --- and all children --- to be … [Read more...]
Is Trump a fascist?
After my recent post about fascism was published in the local newspaper, Trumpists pounced, swearing that Trump was not a fascist. Here is my reply in today's Wakefield Daily Item in keeping with the 'all politics is local and personal' … [Read more...]
Fascism is coming to America
That's what Hillary Clinton said on Saturday at a Wellesley college alumnae event. She was speaking with Madeline Albright, author of Fascism: A Warning. "The idea that it just can't happen here is just old fashioned, my friends. The … [Read more...]
Pelosi to Dems : Don’t impeach; imprison
Speaker Pelosi is the only political force on Earth that knows how to beat Trump at his own game. Hey, you vulgar, criminal, fraud : impeachment is too good for you. No, I want you behind bars. … [Read more...]
I’ll vote for Ed Markey because all politics are local and personal
I will vote for Ed Markey again, in part to honor my late mother and father. Despite starting their American journey without much money, from the very beginning they believed strongly in the idea of being their brother's keeper. My … [Read more...]
Joe Biden’s mom on the greatest vitue
"My mom was an incredible woman and I miss her. She would always tell us that 'courage is the greatest virtue, because without courage you cannot love with abandon.' She lived her life that way, loving us with abandon. I want to wish … [Read more...]
Barr perjured himself
Attorney General Barr testifying before the Senate on April 10. "Q: Did (Special Counsel) Bob Mueller support your conclusion? A: I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion." We now know that Mueller wrote a letter on … [Read more...]
Wakefield’s Chines, Boettcher and Courcy score progressive hat trick at Town Election
Three first -time, independent, progressive challengers won elective office for Town Council / Municipal Gas & Light Board yesterday topping their respective ticket vote : Councilor Jonathan Chines --- 1998 Commissioner Phil … [Read more...]
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