Now we learn that our own FBI believed the ample fetid 'ASSet' was working for the Russians. In their last debate, Hillary Clinton nailed the co-conspirator : "It is pretty clear you won't admit that the Russians have engaged in … [Read more...]
It’s a boy !
Born today, Edward Teddy William Lake, 7 lbs., 19", and a Democrat. Proud parents : Hale and Mike Lake. … [Read more...]
Clark leads the way forward
Congratulations to Congresswoman Katherine Clark who won election yesterday to Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus, besting Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA) 144 to 90. She becomes #6 in House leadership, the second-highest ranking woman behind … [Read more...]
Congressman Joe Kennedy to nominate Nancy Pelosi for Speaker today
[and Rep. Katherine Clark elected Dem caucus vice-chair. Treat this an an open thread for all things Dem House related. -- promoted by Charley] In the Democratic Caucus this afternoon. … [Read more...]
George Takei on Thanksgiving
For those of you forced to sit with Trump - supporting relatives on Thursday, when they bring up migrant caravans or witch hunts or Brett Kavanaugh or anything else that Twitter spews, just smile and say, "Looks like Nancy Pelosi will be … [Read more...]
Golden wins Maine 2
Jared Golden has just won the Maine 2 Congressional race unseating incumbent Republican Representative Bruce Poliquin. The results of the Ranked Choice Voting tabulation requiring 50% plus 1 majority were : Golden (D) 139,231 … [Read more...]
On Veterans Day and the true meaning of patriotism
On this Veterans Day, we pause to reflect on the true meaning of patriotism as distinguished from nationalism. Staunch WW II anti- Fascist Resistance freedom fighter Charles De Gaulle defined it best : "Patriotism is when love of your own … [Read more...]
Nobody Is Above The Law: National Protests TONIGHT
Mueller Protection Rapid Response: National Protests called for Thursday, November 8, 5 pm Memo I just received from friends at Details about protest locations and times are here. Donald Trump has installed a crony to … [Read more...]
Capt. “Sully” Sullenberger’s Call To Action
The "Hero of the Hudson" who steered 154 passenger Flight 1549 to safety in 2009 writes in a new op-ed for the Washington Post: "The fabric of the United States is under attack with too many people in power -- cowardly complicit enablers … [Read more...]
I do not know if Trump is …
racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, mysogynistic or homophobic. But I DO know that racists, bigots, anti-Semites, xenophobes, mysogynists, and homophobes THINK he is all of the above. … [Read more...]
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