I believe all politics is local and personal. After Republican control of Congress and the White House it's time to ask Reagan's question: "Are you better off than you were two years ago?" I'm not and here's why. As a cancer survivor … [Read more...]
Biden sounds warning
Former Vice President Joe Biden speaking before the Royal Institute of International Affairs : "Democracy, freedom, openness that we cherish is under threat from within and without by the siren call of this phony nationalism and populism … [Read more...]
Why I still vote the party, not the man
Back in 2012 I wrote an article explaining why I planned to vote the straight Democratic ticket as I plan to do on November 6. The following excerpt still holds true today, in my opinion : Parties are a fact of political life whether we … [Read more...]
Why stupidity is more dangerous than evil
Now that I'm retired, I've been catching up on my reading as a history enthusiast and documenting a dictionary of my favorite quotes. This one falls under the definition of ignorance. It is based on the letters and papers from prison : … [Read more...]
Cicero on treason in 42 B.C.
"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. For the traitor appears not a traitor. He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in … [Read more...]
Boycott Maine
"Dear Susan Collins - I really struggled with this but my tourist $ just voted against ever visiting Maine while you remain in office." John Fugelsang As painful as this is for me - having summered on Drakes Island, Wells since boyhood … [Read more...]
Con pukes have awakened a sleeping giant
Like the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the Trumplicans are about to learn the hard way that hell hath no fury as millions of Americans scorned. History and science prove that for every action there is a greater reaction. "Sooner or … [Read more...]
John Fugelsang nails Kavanaugh in a sentence
"Every man who really believes Kavanaugh didn't lie under oath should send his wife and daughter into a frat house offering to play Devil's Triangle." Many of my college friends belonged to fraternities and I know the Devil's Triangle was … [Read more...]
Joe Biden speaks truth on Charlottesville anniversary
"Today we honor the memory of Heather Heyer, whose spirit we see in every person who stands up to reject hatred and bigotry. Make no mistake: this fight goes on. The battle for the soul of this nation rests with each of us, … [Read more...]
Call Charlie Baker now @ 617 – 725 – 4005 and tell him to sign AVR into law today
I just called Governor Baker's office to ask if he planned to sign the Automatic Voter Registration bill sitting on his desk into law before the August 13 deadline. The response was he is undecided as of now. According to Common Cause MA … [Read more...]
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