Starting with the Denier in Chief who, against all evidence to the contrary, turns a blind eye to Russian interference in the 2016 election to those bought and paid for members of Congress with NRA blood money on their hands. Save your … [Read more...]
Better late than never
" Trump shattered the moral authority of his presidency during Charlottesville. It can never be restored. We live in the surreal world where the words of the POTUS have no meaning. His presence brings no comfort. He is an avatar of … [Read more...]
In 2018 there will be a candidate running for the House or Senate It is likely they : * Are not your first choice * Are not 100% Ideologically pure * Have made mistakes * Do NOT excite you START GETTING OVER THAT SHIT … [Read more...]
The Mango Mussolini
" Congress voted 517 - 5 to impose sanctions on Russia. The President decides to ignore that law. Folks that is a constitutional crisis. There should be outrage in every corner of this country." Senator Claire McCaskill … [Read more...]
Speaking truth to power
My favorite Republican pundit, Steve Schmidt, is a profile in courage. He writes : "Enjoyed getting some time speaking with a friend of mine this morning. He works his ass off as a doorman at a Manhattan hotel. He is an immigrant from … [Read more...]
Lady Liberty weeps
Displaying a total ignorance of irony, he had the temerity to denigrate immigrants of color on the same day that he prepared a statement to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination. "Lady Liberty, our … [Read more...]
A question for Trumpists ?
"In the Trump/Bannon divorce who gets custody of the Nazis?" Patricia Arquette … [Read more...]
My New Years Resolution: Live by the Wisdom of our Founders
"Government is instituted for the common good: for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men." JOHN ADAMS … [Read more...]
How to start a revolution
So the peasants have taken to the streets all across the land because they have no bread ? Queen of France, Marie Antoinette responds : "Let them eat cake !" Just hours after signing into law the corporate tax cut bill, Trump tells … [Read more...]
Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan
walk into a bar. The bartender serves them tainted alcohol because there are no regulations. They walk out without leaving a tip. Happy Holidays. … [Read more...]
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