Jack Welch toyed with buying it in 2006 for $550 million. (How happy is he that he never pulled the trigger?) At some point, the NY Times will sell the paper. Maybe. Who will buy it? What could be done to save … [Read more...]
Arne Duncan for Secretary of Education: An Idea That Makes Too Much Sense Not To Happen
Literally dozens of days ago, when the HRC-for-Sec notion first surfaced, I jumped on the bandwagon, and predicted on BMG it made too much sense not to happen. Most of my other predictions, um, not so hot. Here's my prediction for … [Read more...]
Colmes Leaving Hannity
FOX News Channel's (FNC) Alan Colmes will relinquish his role as co-host of Hannity & Colmes at the end of the year. In announcing his decision, Colmes said, "I approached Bill Shine (FNC's Senior Vice President of Programming) earlier … [Read more...]
Idea That Makes Too Much Sense Not To Happen: HIllary for Secretary Of State
In TBlade's neat name the cabinet contest, 2 of the 8 entrants thought Bill Clinton might be chosen for Secretary of State. I can't see that. But THIS I can imagine, which none of the 8 guessed: Hillary. Is there likely … [Read more...]
Obama Election Night Photos: Just him, Michelle, kids
Folks, I'm not sure there's a whole post worth of stuff to say: Just these 1,000 words (x 20) … [Read more...]
My Obama Night: Goolsby, Schnur
2. Austin Goolsby spoke. He's one of the senior econ advisors. Young, funny, balding guy. His argument: Basically, the #1 thing to keep in mind, above every other thing, is that since 2001 average family earns about $2000 … [Read more...]
How Obama Can Still Lose
This has been a good couple weeks for Obama, no doubt about it. But the electoral map doesn't give me the confidence I crave. Let's say that McCain manages even a +1.5% gain this month, distributed evenly across all states. … [Read more...]
Missing the point: Delahunt, Tierney, Lynch votes were about Kennedy, not bailout
1. Delahunt, Tierney, Lynch. You think these guys thought Frank cut a bad deal? Please. They were announcing "I will run for Kennedy's seat", no? Add it up. Their House seats are safe. It's the Senate … [Read more...]
Palin says: My daughter’s pregnant
Wow, you couldn't make this stuff up. Per this debate on BMG, Sarah Palin announced her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said … [Read more...]
Hey Denver BMG Posse: back here some of us are a-scared!
I thought Dan Payne had a decent take in today's Globe. Formula for defeat. White bigots + lies about Obama + Hillary holdouts = President McCain. Nothing Obama says tonight can change that. Enjoy it because the next 68 days won't be … [Read more...]
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