Early edition of Sunday's Globe is up tonight and the paper has endorsed Steve … [Read more...]
Second Piece of Mail Supporting Katherine Clark Featuring Sen. Warren
New Lynch Television ad: ‘I Am Stephen Lynch’
Has anyone seen the new Lynch TV ad? It's called "I Am Stephen Lynch" and, whatever else you may think of him or his candidacy, it's an unbelievably effective ad. Indeed, it's one of the best political ads I've ever seen. Link below: New … [Read more...]
Mass. AFL-CIO votes no endorsement in Senate race
This strikes me as a fairly serious blow to Rep. Lynch and his candidacy. It has long appeared from the outside that he was counting on labor to serve as his ground troops, and yet he failed to earn the endorsement of the state's largest … [Read more...]
Excellent Deval Article in The New Republic
Deval Patrick has never held elected office, but he's already won something that typically eludes even veteran politicians: The Seal of Broder. A few weeks ago, David Broder, the living embodiment of the political journalistic establishment … [Read more...]