Interesting post over at the Globe blog today about the exchange that occurred after last week's LG debate at Ch. 4 regarding the cancelled LG debate sponsored by the State Party.Here's the meaty part of the candidates' exchange:I would … [Read more...]
Herald Ed Board Meeting Summaries – Deval & Reilly
Kim Atkins has posted excerpts of the Herald Editorial Board's meetings with Deval Patrick and Tom Reilly. While the paper ran Kim's article about the meetings today, these blog entries are perfect examples of why such blogs are … [Read more...]
Thoughts on Charter Schools
Now, perhaps "charter schools" - as strictly defined - are not the best solution. Perhaps "pilot schools" are a better option. In Boston, I know that there are a number of excellent high schools that are pilot schools. I … [Read more...]
LG Ad Spending
1. Deb Goldberg: well, we actually do not know exactly how much she plans to spend on TV advertising, because I believe her campaign has not said so. However, given that at the end of July she had 1.9+ million on hand, we can … [Read more...]
LG July Money
1. Deb GoldbergStarting Balance: $1,057,124.84Receipts: $1,023,417.34Expenditures: $98,199.63Ending Balance: $1,982,342.552. Andrea SilbertStarting Balance: $475.517.32Receipts: $68,851.00Expenditures: $19,040.25Ending Balance: … [Read more...]
Netroots Rise Up: Donate to Silbert & Counter Deb’s Millions
If each of us donates something, it will make a difference. I'm starting with $100, and if each of us do that, it will make a huge difference. If each of us gave $200, I can't even tell you how much of an impact it would … [Read more...]
Why Liberal Biz Dems Will Make MA Better
Another piece in today's Globe also stands out to me: in this article, Romney gets generally high marks for his handling of the Big Dig crisis, just as he did for handling the 2002 Olympics. While I disagree with most, if not all of his … [Read more...]
“So ultimately, me.”
With those three words, Mitt Romney accepted personal responsibility for the inspection, repair and reopening of the Big Dig tunnels.Up until now, there was a muddle of fingerpointing and blame. Now all the issues going forward goes … [Read more...]
Romney Seeking to Take Control of Investigation
Interesting political move here, because it has the potential to have the following impacts (among others I'm sure):1. Allows Romney to weaken the Pike, which he has wanted to do for a long time.2. Puts the "buck" more squarely … [Read more...]
LG June Money
1. Deb GoldbergStarting Balance: $1,087,491.74Receipts: $17,763.75Expenditures: $48,130.65Ending Balance: $1,057,124.842. Andrea SilbertStarting Balance: $476,548.08Receipts: $52,991.00Expenditures: $54,021.76Ending Balance: $475.517.323. … [Read more...]