Attempting to surf to a Baker campaign issues page: Gives 404 Not Found The requested URL issues does not exist. UPDATE: for the humor impaired, there is no mention of issues anywhere on the Baker … [Read more...]
Ah, sweet irony
The WaPO reports that the teabaggers are complaining that the government (in the form of the Metro) wasn't prepared to handle their protest and they had to resort to private transportation. A Texas congressman sent a letter Wednesday to … [Read more...]
nazi astroturf
I just had a surreal conversation with a guy handing out pamphlets: guy: Do you know Hitler endorsed Obama's healthplan? me: Hitler? guy: Yes, in 1939. me: Really? That's interesting. Who're you working for? guy: I'm just a … [Read more...]
birther brownshirt meltdown
It's not Orly Taitz's meltdown (summarized here), it's not the faked Kenyan birth certificate she released, it's not that she sounds like the lost Gabor sister, it's that she actually tries to argue Obama's birth announcements were faked. … [Read more...]
Jenny Sanford: “Gay marriage wrecked my family”
The mind boggles, but here it is: "Of course I'm not saying that Mark is gay," Sanford said, "but he may as well be. The moral decay in this country has claimed another victim and this time it was my family. Our marriage was … [Read more...]
Prize snark or the new Republican anthem
A friend brought this TPM post to my attention. Rep Hoekstra's twit is best read while humming "Poor Poor Pitiful Me." Earlier today, Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) put up this astonishing post on Twitter, likening the oppression of the … [Read more...]
Great map of job losses
Slate has a great interactive map of job losses over time. Brady Forest @ O'Reilly Radar breaks it down nicely: The country begins a awash with blue (job growth) in January 2006: By February 2009 job loss looks like: … [Read more...]
the dangers of centralized messaging
I finally got around to reading the Sunday New York Times piece on Jonathan Krohn, the 14 year old who spoke at CPAC. The kid sounds impressive; I wouldn't have chosen Bill Bennett as a role model, but kudos to Jonathan for … [Read more...]
New Mass. GOP Executive Director
Since I haven't seen so much as a snark about this, the Mass. GOP has a new ED. Dear State Committee Members and interested parties: Over the past 6 weeks I have been interviewing many qualified individuals from D.C. to Maine for the … [Read more...]
the ripple effect
Yesterday's Globe had an excellent article on the economic impact of Circuit City closing: Circuit City's demise means fewer turkey and cheese sandwiches will be sold at the Boston Street Deli. The Dorchester shop is popular with employees … [Read more...]