Do not go gentle into private life old fools should bitch and moan at end of term bitch bitch against the loss of their spotlight. Though wise men know the vote count must be right and ethics questions make them … [Read more...]
Ed Markey deserves another term
Several decades ago, I became involved in the nuclear weapons freeze movement, which many public figures — even supposedly liberal ones — avoided at all costs. It was considered fatally naive, dangerously pacifistic, irresponsibly … [Read more...]
Ending the unbearable suspense
For some time I have been in a state of suspense about next year’s presidential election, and it recently became unbearable. So I consulted a fortune teller. The fortune teller was the Roman poet Virgil. As late as the 17th century the … [Read more...]
Rx for less polarization of elected representatives
The most vivid evidence cited to support the conclusion that American voters are polarized in their views is the undeniable polarization of their elected representatives. But the American voters may in fact be less polarized than their … [Read more...]
Our responsibility
Does the Democratic Party have an auto-immune disease? If so, we need to find a cure for that now. Biden’s rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination are busy suggesting either that he is a racist or has been willing to help … [Read more...]
2020 is serious business. Let’s get serious, Democrats.
Donald Trump is no longer merely disgusting. He has become dangerous — to our country and to the world. With impeachment now no longer practicable, there remains only one way to remove him from power: he must be defeated for re-election. … [Read more...]
Amends, not reparations
I would like to suggest that the Democratic Party seek to make “amends” for the crimes of slavery and racial discrimination, rather than grant any form “reparations”. Reparations, if I understand the term, would involve a one-time award … [Read more...]
Looking back at Col. Shaw and the 54th
Recently I took a vacation from current realities to study a part of our history with two qualities that are scarce today: dignity and meaning. It comforted me to find these qualities in our past, because our history never leaves us … [Read more...]
Race and justice in the United States of America
Bryan Stevenson article "A Presumption of Guilt" in the New York Review of Books (July 13, 2017) draws a correlation between the lynching of black men and women and the disproportionate use of capital punishment against blacks. As lynchings … [Read more...]
“Let me warn you”
OK, there was only one FDR, and his magic cannot be replicated. Still, might there not be something in the way he skewers the Republicans in this short clip that we can take away -- something about making our points quickly, simply, and … [Read more...]