I am ashamed to admit that yesterday I committed a BUI, Blogging Under the Influence. I was working in the City yesterday, took a client to "lunch" at the cigar bar in the North End and had too many scotches. I then killed some … [Read more...]
Deval is out of step with reality – Never mind, I am an idiot
The property has to be worth $684,000?! How does this help anyone in the income brackets he gave, they can't afford a house that expensive?A mortgage on a house that is worth $684,000 would be $4,100/month at 6% interest. That … [Read more...]
“Cadillac grills, Cadilac mills, check out the oil my Cadilac spills”
As the article points out, the standard vehicle for the governor under the Mitt administration was the Ford Crown Vic. Your typical cop car blacked out with leather seats, etc. The article goes on to say Patrick's new car is one … [Read more...]
Deval snubs the Gipper
From today's Globe:Governor Deval Patrick decided not to sign a proclamation recognizing Feb. 6 as "Ronald Reagan Day."Say it ain't so DP!Admittedly, as a conservative Reagan is one of my heroes. I was sad when he died and spent his … [Read more...]
What this Masshole thinks is wrong with our schools
In the Globe piece today, we learn that superintendents are getting even higher salaries then previously thought.[For superintendents] the average total compensation is $147,500, according to a Globe analysis of contracts for 162 … [Read more...]
Some Environmental News Worth Getting Excited About
This is typical of all major oil companies. I work doing this type of cleanup and used to do work for one of the majors (lets call them MM for marine mollusk). I used to get infuriated by MM because the cleanup strategy they … [Read more...]