Wal-Mart's tax loophole which allows them to deduct the rent money they pay to themselves is costing us. There are more than 20 Wal-Marts in Massachusetts, according their store locator. They are located in cities like North … [Read more...]
How the Media Starts Big Lies.
As Digby wrote:These are patented Whitewater-style "smell test" stories. They are based on complicated details that make the casual reader's eyes glaze over and about which the subject has to issue long confusing explanations in return. … [Read more...]
“The Sweet Taste of Liberty In Your Mouth!”
Ben and Jerry's has a new flavor inspired by Stephen Colbert.Now do your patriotic duty and eat a pint of it tonight!If you don't, then the bears have already won... … [Read more...]
Good Work In The Globe
From Christine McConville & Jonathan Saltzman in the Globe, comes a report that the Inspector General found five builders who hid profits of affordable housing developments. (Read the whole thing.) The IG is calling on … [Read more...]
That Debate Ain’t Worth A Bucket of Warm Mitt.
You get Mitt for President and you get hacks all the way down. Just as Mitt weakly opposed excessive sick leave cash-outs by Massport, he can be expectedly to overlook waste in the executive branch. Mitt as President will leave … [Read more...]
Vote By Mail
Massachusetts should seriously consider vote-by-mail as a way to drive up turnout. Read this story from the WaPo: This month, as controversies emerged in other parts of the country over polling place problems and malfunctioning … [Read more...]
Hollow Globe
Of course, one way Dahl could have looked at it closely would have been to read the Boston Phoenix. They've done some homework on Boston crime... and they've been doing their homework for a while.Dahl knew that the murder rate in … [Read more...]
Spinning for the Republican
Just woke up and watched NECN's 6:30 AM report on last night's debate. John Moroney is spinning hard for the Republican: "Kerry Healey did what she needed to do. She gave a strong performance."No, she didn't. She … [Read more...]
Time to Stop Abuse of CORI
A while back, Kristen Lombardi of the Boston Phoenix documented abuses of the CORI system to keep track of criminal records. There is pattern of misuse that wastes the time of police and employers by smearing the reputations of … [Read more...]
What Makes The Globe’s Front Page?
Not on the front page is the headline "Killer Coke story outrages Patrick camp" with this opening:The gubernatorial campaign of Deval Patrick and a key supporter yesterday expressed outrage over a disclosure that advisers to rival Thomas F. … [Read more...]