Charlie Baker didn’t run for governor on a platform of consumer protection or climate action. But now that he thinks climate change is real and man-made, he talks a lot about his administration’s work on clean energy and climate change, … [Read more...]
Municipal Utilities, Solar Net Metering, and the View from Belmont
A quick follow-up to my post last week on solar net metering and the debate in Massachusetts. Sen. Will Brownsberger of Belmont, who frequently talks about his personal commitment to climate change as manifested in his home, posted on his … [Read more...]
#SolarisWorking! Now tell Speaker Deleo to Sun Up.
This week, bipartisan leaders in the Massachusetts Senate acted to lifted a cap on solar net metering. Net metering is the way we buy and sell the sun's energy in the Bay State (and most of the country) and it's a solid system for … [Read more...]
New England’s Governors Rig the Energy Game Against All of Us
Whether it succeeds or fails, the New England Governors’ proposal to subsidize fracked gas pipeline expansion through a public tariff is going to go down in history as “the gas tax that unites us.” Energy policy can be confusing, secretive, … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Legal Solutions Elusive, Teens, Greens & Faith Voices take on Retailers for Chemical Reform
If you've delved even a little bit into the dizzying world of toxic chemicals - because you are a mom, nurse or doctor, an artist, a public servant, or simply someone trying to be healthy - you've probably become, well, quickly … [Read more...]