On the first question, I'd argue (not surprisingly) in favor of the proposed platform and offer my original post to summarize the reasons. I believe that too often, as Democrats we don't explicitly state the values that that are the … [Read more...]
Who we are and what we stand for – The Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform
If we begin with a clear statement of our values, it can be used as a handout at a local festival where we are registering new voters or incorporated as part of a brochure, leaflet or web site for local Democratic committees to use in … [Read more...]
Changing Politics – the next 48 Hours
For that reason, I appreciate that this forum allows me an opportunity to state clearly a few points regarding the official position of the Deval Patrick campaign on matters of importance to convention attendees and observers and to … [Read more...]
Help Create the Testimonial Policy for THE SOURCE (http://blog.devalpatrick.com/)
I know your readers enjoy our supporter testimonials on our blog. ;-) We just posted another one from a wonderful suporter from Otis in the Berkshires. His name is Joel. When Amy Gorin, our Campaign Co-Chair, posted the … [Read more...]