Adding salt to the wound is more news about AIG's bonuses. It's absolutely breathtakingly audacious that a conglomerate which helped turn our economy into the train wreck that it is, is able to use bailout money to pay bonuses to the … [Read more...]
Political Dynasties: Or is Branding Good for the Political Process
Ellen Fitzpatrick, a historian and author, was on the side of going with the brand, that "Few will feel in much doubt, for instance, about where Joe Kennedy or his politically engaged cousins would stand on the need for sweeping healthcare … [Read more...]
Admitted Anxiety About Healthcare Reform Part II
In 1995, the year I started going to DC (volunteer) to fight for services and entitlements for people with development disabilities, Congress enacted a rules change on Medicaid, moving it from a "fee for service" plan to a capitated, … [Read more...]
Admitted Anxiety About Healthcare Reform
It's difficult to get enthusiastic about a public option when one considers just how economy-sensitive our current programs are and how politics will influence outcomes. In an economic downturn- services can and will be cut. … [Read more...]
Senator Mel Martinez (R. FL) Resigning
It was reported that Senator Mel Martinez, a Republican senator from Florida, will be resigning; he has two years left in his term. It was previously reported that he would not run for re-election after his first term. Martinez … [Read more...]
Theory: Why the 2-Party System is Necessary
This is my theory: A reasonably healthy two party system ensures the tension needed to get the best results for the weak, disenfranchised and often voiceless - the poor, sick, elderly, children and disabled. This tension - this drive … [Read more...]
Which Democrats Signed Up For THIS?
Also, losing continuing care beds could exacerbate an ongoing problem in which patients may get stuck on medical floors or in emergency rooms as they wait for continuing care beds to open up. Colleen Doherty, executive board member of … [Read more...]
H.R. 1255 Family Rights Bill – Cosponsors and Supporters Requested
In the last decade, the federally funded class action lawyers, often aided and abetted by the ARCs (which are also multimillion dollar service providers), have sued various states to either close down facilities or remove severe to … [Read more...]
Security Guard Killed at Holocaust Museum in DC
Let us pray for the man who was killed and his family, as well as for the person who was wounded. I don't understand how anyone could commit such a crime in a place that speaks peace and love to hate. "There are none so blind as … [Read more...]
DDS Closure of State Facilities: It’s not about the philosophy
This great, heartwarming story (on the front page) explains that Perkins is the "oldest school in the United States for young people who are blind," with both day students and resident students. I found this wonderful story … [Read more...]