Did anyone else read Ellen Goodman in the Globe today? She announced that she "finds herself channeling" Senator Obama for a "long overdue and eagerly anticipated conversation - on gender." Overall, I didn't find the column that … [Read more...]
“People Like Them”
I think she has a solid understanding of the dynamics in this race. You can talk until you're blue in the face about the new voters Obama has brought to the process, about the enthusiasm among students and his appeal to … [Read more...]
Newsweek: Why Clinton’s Continued Campaigning is Good for the Dems
Mr. Romano writes about the calls for Hillary to end the campaign: have to say: I disagree. If Clinton were to follow the peanut gallery's instructions now, the Democrats would wind up more--not less--divided as a result. The reason? … [Read more...]
Fair Fight? Not so much…
Even Lou Dobbs has pointed out the obvious bias against Hillary: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/... And now there's even a book, published by no less than the University of Illinois about media bias against women candidates, which covers the … [Read more...]
The Fork In Your Eye
Mr. Obama should pick someone who is in tune with his appeal for the nobler aspirations of the American people. Senator Kennedy? Given your own checkered past, do you even know what nobler aspirations are? The good senator goes on … [Read more...]
The Government We Deserve
There's no reason for government to change (and I mean change fundamentally - not incrementally) if all we're going to do is applaud mediocrity for the sake of seniority. We can blame Bush all we want, but we can should also call … [Read more...]
Hillary Resonates
I had two appointments today; one was with a doctor and the second at my favorite hair salon. At the first location, I was in a fairly well-to-do suburb west of Boston. The doctor greeted me the way guys have been talking about … [Read more...]
Is He Just Yanking Our Collective Chains or Guess Who’s Back?
I was just doing my usual trot through the news sites and found this: Nader launches exploratory website http://www.boston.com/news/pol... So, what's up with this? Is this the mark of a perennial thorn or a dedicated true believer in … [Read more...]