One thing that I like is a good debate. A few days ago, the League of Women Voters held a pretty good one. Their first rule was "No Personal Attacks." The first thing Ogonowsky did was launch into an attack of Niki … [Read more...]
The Right to Run
The continuing saga in Lowell of ?she said, she said,? in the Tsongas and Donoghue race is actually voided by one fact: Niki Tsongas was part and parcel of the team that helped her late husband recruit people to run for City … [Read more...]
Eileen Takes Credit for All-America City Award
I recently was sent a brochure by the Eileen Donoghue for Congress committee in which, in my opinion, Ms. Donoghue took full credit, as Mayor, for the All-America City designation in 1999. This was a surprise for me because I … [Read more...]
What is single payer health care?
I decided that the best way to learn about Paul Tsongas view on health insurance was to research by going to the library and reviewing the Lowell Sun and Boston Globe. In an interesting article from 1993, I found what I was … [Read more...]
Pro-Choice…but still against abortion
I think I am opposed to abortion. It is not that I want to inflict an unwanted pregnancy on a woman, and I make an exception in the case of rape or incest. I have no problem with stem cell research ? in fact I condone it, … [Read more...]