Please sign a petition asking President-elect Barack Obama to appoint Linda Darling-Hammond as Secretary of Education. Here's the link to the petition: We in the US are always giving lip service to … [Read more...]
Meet Patrick McCabe – Candidate for State Representative in the 35th Middlesex
An opportunity for voters to meet Patrick McCabe who is running against Paul Donato in the 35th Middlesex district in the Democratic Primary this September. The gathering is this Sunday (August 3rd) at 2:00 pm at 40 Cedar Road North, … [Read more...]
Tonight in Somerville -Sciortino event with Deval
Carl Sciortino has been my State Rep for four years now. I can go on and on about what a wonderful representative he is - but I will try to be brief. I find Carl to be extremely intelligent and personable. He is quick to … [Read more...]