From today's press release from the Massachusetts Nurses Association: CANTON, Mass. -- Just days after Elizabeth Warren announced the establishment of an exploratory committee for her potential U.S. Senate run in Massachusetts, the … [Read more...]
Nurses Doing What It Takes
A one-day strike by 12,000 RNs at a fourteen Minneapolis-St. Paul hospitals (led by the Minnesota Nurses Association) was the second largest strike in the U.S. in 2010 (and the largest RN strike in U.S. history). The 28-day Temple … [Read more...]
Lessons from Tuesday: Hey, Democrats, Remember Us?
There are many lessons to be learned from the devastating outcome of Tuesday's U.S. Senate election here in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, some of the lessons people learn will be wrong. On the other hand, Massachusetts' labor leader … [Read more...]
Drinking Liberally (or conservatively?)
Of course this is untrue. Taxes create jobs in many ways. Most obviously, federal, state, and local governments spend tax revenues on salaries, benefits, and the purchase of goods and services. Of special interest to those of us … [Read more...]
House to vote on single payer
Breaking news. Action needed. Yesterday, Rep. Waxman promised Rep. Weiner that Nancy Pelosi has promised a debate--and a September vote--on a single-payer health care bill by the full U.S. House of … [Read more...]
Burritos and Casinos
Is this the sort of thing that supporters of "destination resort casinos" believe could draw hoards of out-of-state tourists to Massachusetts? I'm still trying to get a handle on the "DRC" promise. Perhaps we can entice out-of-staters to … [Read more...]
Should We Move to New Hampshire?
The New Hampshire House just voted to raise the gas tax by 15 cents!!!! From the Union-Leader: CONCORD - The New Hampshire House yesterday voted to raise the state's gasoline tax by five cents in each of the next three years. The measure, … [Read more...]
Who Is Out of Touch on the Gas Tax?
Today's Globe reports that a coalition of Massachusetts business groups is pushing for a 25-cent increase in the state gas tax. This is great news for all who care about repairing our state's crumbling transportation infrastructure, … [Read more...]