It is not a pipe dream. All around us, models of community based projects that make our lives better are popping up. Some, like community health centers, have been around for decades. Community development corporations are … [Read more...]
Deval — what happened to “more than one bottom line?”
AHT, a coalition of over 160 groups around the state including such mainstream organizations as the League of Women Voters, the Massachusetts Public Health Association, and the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition, has proposed … [Read more...]
Jim O’Day got 84.4% of the vote
Jim's victory is not just a victory for Neighbor to Neighbor, but for all of the progressive community. This guy is definitely the real thing. He knows labor issues and family issues and education issues because he has lived … [Read more...]
Take some steps to stop global warming
Here's what "swift, bold, and comprehensive political action" would look like. Public policy needs to include mandates for 80% emissions reduction by 2050, with emissions scaled back to 1990's levels by 2010. That's only three … [Read more...]
Thoughts On Civic Engagement
I'm hearing similar questions from several quarters, some here on BMG and some from friends and fellow activists; all having to do with the makeup of the working groups reflecting business-as-usual rather than true open participation. … [Read more...]
When it Comes to the Environment, Tim Murray is the Real Thing
Everyone says theyre for the environment. When its the likes of George Bush, you know its greenwash. Some candidates really mean it, and some actually have a track record. As a long-time environmental advocate who … [Read more...]