First, kudos to Blue Mass Group’s chrismatth for calling attention to this incident. Think Progress relays: At a Massachusetts Republican Party St. Patrick’s Day breakfast Sunday, Plymouth County Sheriff Joseph D. McDonald, Jr. (R) … [Read more...]
Massachusetts Media Scrutinize Stephen Lynch’s Position(s) on the Public Option
I don’t typically start a post by quoting a photo caption, but the Springfield Republican’s story this morning on Congressman Stephen Lynch’s position(s) on the public option included this caption under the photo of Lynch. I think it's a … [Read more...]
Is Stephen Lynch Calling for an Increase in the Retirement Age for Social Security?
Congressman Stephen Lynch released a YouTube video sharing his thoughts on Social Security. The 2-minute, 22-second video closes with a passage that, unless I’m misunderstanding something, can only be construed as a call for increasing the … [Read more...]
Stephen Lynch Ducks Fetal Personhood Question
Some of you may be aware of the so-called “personhood” effort, the movement among far-right-wing anti-choice extremists to legally endow fetuses, from the moment of fertilization, with all of the rights of actual living, breathing people. … [Read more...]
Gabriel Gomez’s Strained Logic in Rejecting the People’s Pledge
Republican private equity investor Gabriel Gomez announced today that he is refusing to sign the People's Pledge, the proposed agreement among candidates essentially to keep out third-party paid advertisements and mailers, requiring the … [Read more...]
No Excuses Left Against In-State Tuition
I saw this headline the other day, and it got me thinking. Colorado Senate passes bill allowing in-state tuition for illegal immigrants Colorado’s state senate is 20 Democrats and 15 Republicans, a far cry from the Massachusetts state … [Read more...]
The Full GOP Rundown for the Special Election (UPDATEx3: Tisei Out, Weld Out, Healey Out)
It looks like the Democratic primary is set between Congressmen Ed Markey & Stephen Lynch. But what of the Republican primary? With former Senator Scott Brown taking himself out of the running, I believe this is a comprehensive … [Read more...]
Scott Brown Could Have Been Expelled from BC Law or Suspended from Tufts for His Plagiarism
Scott Brown's recent plagiarism scandal made me wonder if he could so readily try to sweep it under the rug (or disingenuously attribute it to "technical error") at any other point in his life and get away with it. His official biography … [Read more...]
Facebook Status-Bomb for Elizabeth Warren This Wednesday!
According to a reliable independent pollster, Elizabeth Warren has gone from 38% name recognition across Massachusetts to 62% name recognition in just the last three months. But there are still a lot of people who need to learn who she … [Read more...]