Get in touch with Lauren or Kate to find out where you are needed for canvassing. You can also help out by making calls! Thanks for all your help! Lauren Leeman 857-498-0902 Kate … [Read more...]
Obama plagiarizes/copies/shares with/borrows from Patrick…AGAIN! is reporting another incident of Obama/Patrick "sharing": A rival campaign is circulating another pair of videos of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) echoing Deval Patrick, a friend who is now the Massachusetts governor. This time, … [Read more...]
New Wisconsin Poll – Hillary leading
There's a new poll out today by the American Research Group which has Hillary at 49% and Obama at 43%. An earlier poll taken two days ago had Obama at 47% and Clinton at 42%. The poll consisted of 600 adults and breaks down like … [Read more...]
Obama pays $694,000 to buy superdelegate votes. Hillary spends $195,500.
ABC News is reporting that Obama has outspent Hillary on buying superdelegates - by a big margin: The study found that Obama has sent more than $694,000 from either his campaign account or his political action committee to superdelegates … [Read more...]
Deval Patrick on CNN this morning
I am watching Deval on CNN at this moment giving his take on the debate from last night. I don't know how much I'm liking this. I elected Deval to run Massachusetts, not promote presidential candidates that I'm opposed to. He wants our … [Read more...]
Something to ponder by Gloria Steinem (re: Hillary vs. Obama)
If you answered no to either question, you're not alone. Gender is probably the most restricting force in American life, whether the question is who must be in the kitchen or who could be in the White House. This country is way down the … [Read more...]
Deval Patrick to endorse Obama
The Globe is reporting that Patrick will come out and endorse Obama for president, and that the two talked on the phone today.This is surprising to me, and at the same time, not at all. Although, I was expecting Patrick to come out in … [Read more...]
Time for Somerville to elect a new Mayor?
Tuesday is Somerville's primary election. This year, we are voting for Mayor. Joe Curtatone is looking to win his seat again in this election, but my vote is going to a different candidate. Suzanne Bremer, a long-time Somerville resident, … [Read more...]
NStar customers can save on energy monitoring unit!
NStar and National Grid are currentely offering a discounted rate on the PowerCost Monitor, which monitors your electricity usage wirelessly from your electric meter. The monitor, which retails for $135 can currently be purchased through … [Read more...]
The new Mass. SJC judge: Margot G. Botsford
According to the Boston Globe, Deval Patrick will announce Thursday his nomination of Suffolk Superior Court Judge Margot G. Botsford to fill the Supreme Judicial Court opening left vacant by the death of Justice Martha B. Sosman. Botsford … [Read more...]