His career record on gay rights:"In any journey, there are going to be episodes that get taken out of context. But if someone looks at the record from day one to where we are now, I think a fair person would say 'He's been pretty good. … [Read more...]
Deval Patrick’s Military Industrial Investment Portfolio
As the Boston Globe reported, Deval Patrick recently unloaded some of his stock holdings that "wouldn't meet some of the liberal "smell tests" for socially responsible investing." Specifically, that article mentioned: Alliant … [Read more...]
Bay Window: Where Was Deval? Good Question.
As you may recall, Deval Patrick was scathing in his criticism of Tom Reilly's decision to certify the same sex marriage ballot initiative. It was a statement dripping with righteous indignation. In certifying the measure, Tom … [Read more...]
Did BMG Jump the Shark?
In fact, the blogosphere in general is not much different than talk radio or TV punditry. It is dominated by the left and the right. The difference, of course, is that the far left is largely nonexistent on radio and TV (unless … [Read more...]
Gabrieli’s Finger in the (Cape) Wind?
So, after seeing Chris Gabrieli's new Cape Wind position, I assumed he no longer had questions about the leasing of the land. Likewise, I assumed that he felt that the state has gotten a good deal. I had to assume these things … [Read more...]
The $2.1 Million Question for Deval Patrick
Accepting Deval Patrick's account of events, we are left with the following: In October 2003, Patrick was confronted with the issue of Coke's alleged encouragement of violence against union workers at its Colombia-based bottling plant … [Read more...]
Deval’s Corporate Record and the Definition of a Fact
So what we are left with is not a fact. What we are left with is an anonymous person's account. Just because something is widely-espoused or even widely-reported does not make it a fact. It may add something - a lot, a … [Read more...]
Gabrieli’s Big Dig/Bechtel Connection
By now, almost every BMG reader has heard Gabrieli utter the words (probably over and over and over), "And the Big Dig proves again that government is not getting the job done." The ad appears designed to cast Gabrieli as an outsider … [Read more...]
With Friends Like These, Deval. . .
The Patrick campaign can't be overly thrilled to see this:That's Somerville "Mayor Joe" Curtatone (a Deval endorsor) standing tall with Kerry Healey behind a podium emblazoned with her campaign placard at a campaign event hosted in his … [Read more...]
For Those Who Care About Substance
He has a position on stem cells, but no comprehensive healthcare plan. He has a plan to make college more affordable, but no plan to improve public elementary, secondary, or higher education. He has a position on the income tax … [Read more...]