Canadian officials vexed as Americans continue to repeat lie connecting 9/11 hijackers to Canada April 25, 2009 Mitch Potter WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON - Canada. Conduit. Terror. Three words no Canadian likes to hear in the same … [Read more...]
Recreational Drugs Don’t Bother Anyone- Coming soon to Medford, Camdridge, and Brockton
'No one should feel immune': Mexican cartels spread into US cities as drug war rages PAULINE ARRILLAGA, AP National Writer 11:54 AM PDT, April 18, 2009 COLUMBIANA, Ala. (AP) - Five men dead in an apartment. In a county that might see five … [Read more...]
Obama looks at climate engineering
The president's new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air. John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being … [Read more...]
US Justice Goes Global
http://article.nationalreview.... In 2004, the Supreme Court sowed the seeds for a national-security upheaval when it ruled, in Rasul v. Bush, that war prisoners held outside the United States had a right to challenge their detentions in … [Read more...]
And in other news Who knew this existed? I read the following and thought infraGuard. This has gotta be some form of BS or the invention of a wildly imaginitive mind. Then I thought, why not Google it just to see what comes up. … [Read more...]
Former Sen Ted Stevens to go free
Oh isn't this swell. This thieving bastard gets a walk. Why? Probably this is a quid pro quo for Rangel, Daschle, Sebellius, Murtha and every other tax scofflaw and criminal that deserves to be prosecuted. Holder has to tone down the Office … [Read more...]
1st Amendment RIGHTS , FEAR of GOVERNMENT, and the current “President
Since the White House has deemed it necessary to "go after" after individual American citizens to silence or quash their opposition to Barack Obama and his ilk, I have no apprehension in deeming many current allegations of White House … [Read more...]
Is the second economic implosion at the back door?
Apparently the president thinks that the worst is yet to come. President Barack Obama said he believes the global financial system remains at risk of implosion with the failure of Citigroup or AIG, touching off "an even more destructive … [Read more...]
Healthcare—Fighting a new battle
The Obama administration is about to give those fighting our present wars a real slap in the face. On second thought, this is much worse. President Obama, to save the veterans Administration money, has decided that returning veterans, who … [Read more...]
Air Force One and Cost Effective Government
Tonight, President Obama flew from Andrews Air Force Base to New Port News, Virginia. A grand total of one hundred and six air miles in a Boeing 747. Would anyone care to guess what that cost viz a vis Marine One, the presidential … [Read more...]