I know everyone was trying to figure out earlier how someone could work 2,648 hours of overtime. Here's the answer. http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2016/01/t_loophole_allows_fat_ot_paydays MBTA bosses admitted … [Read more...]
I agree 100% with Elizabeth Warren on this
Sen Warren periodically pops up and decries Wall Street, Big Banks, Credit Card Companies, etc. Sometimes I'm with her, sometimes I'm not. Periodically though she is on the backs (modern phrase: "up in the grill") of regulators in the … [Read more...]
Good thing Scott Brown wasn’t there.
No one has any issues with this Joan Vennochi story slamming Sen … [Read more...]
What is Seth Moulton, really?
According to John Tierney he was actually a Republican, but we know what the voters thought of Rep. Tierney's challenges with telling the truth. According to his newfound friends here at BMG, he's actually a Progressive. It seems that … [Read more...]
Want to know what went wrong with the Heath Connector? It’s all (and I mean all!) here.
My pal Ed Lyons, an IT project professional, (known by some here as RMG poster "edfactor") writes an extensive autopsy of the Health Connector failure. I advised him to use a less opinionated tone but he said it's not intended to be a … [Read more...]
Sen. Barry Finegold plots run for State Treasurer
While Sen Finegold has not been coy about his intentions (replying in the affirmative when asked by reporters if he was considering running for this office. for example), this is the first fundraising I have seen from him around the … [Read more...]