(note: unpaid Harrington volunteer here writing from the heart without any vetting by the campaign) The recent dust-up sparked by Sen Jamie Eldridge’s comments provides a useful frame of reference for the increasingly heated contest for … [Read more...]
Gabriel Gomez & Lululemon: Child Labor as the Solution to “Excessive Regulation”
Looking closely at Gabriel Gomez’s web site—an endeavor which takes all of about three minutes and which provides exactly zero calories --I was intrigued by the reference to the only company he cites as a personal success story during his … [Read more...]
350.org Endorses Markey–and Why It Matters
It’s not SEIU. It’s not Planned Parenthood. It’s not even The League of Conservation Voters. But that 350.org has, for the first time in its organizational history, decided to endorse a candidate—that would be Congressman Ed Markey—will go … [Read more...]
They Have, At Long Last, No Sense of Decency
What follows is repulsive (note: strong,vile language below). But it bears emphasizing that, not content with having turned the House of Representatives into a laughingstock, the GOP's latest brilliant idea is to make a mockery of the … [Read more...]
Kerry Farewell Gig at Faneuil Hall
Nice send-off for the Secretary of State tonight at Fanueil Hall. High point for me was seeing Senator-be-Be Cowan's eyes light up when I introduced myself as a fellow Stoughton resident. Not what usually happens when you mention that. … [Read more...]
Destination: Portland, ME. Goal: Climate Action
I’ve long believed that grassroots movements operate most successfully by opening up various fronts: street actions (rallies, marches, NVCD [when and only when the ensuing the publicity is apt to be positive], PR stunts) coupled with … [Read more...]
Gov. Weld was Before My Time. Care to Educate Me?
I moved up here in 2001, so I'm still learnin' my history. Reading the point-counterpoint in today's Globe on the possibility of ex-Gov Weld running for the possibly ex-Senator Kerry's seat led to me a few online sources in search of … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney, Scott Brown, and The Half-Medieval Hive Mind
So I was up late once again, as I always am, dwelling on what I usually do, which is Mitt Romney, the Man and the Legend. I was actually contemplating Romney’s role—along with Senator Brown’s—within a larger context. It was more than a … [Read more...]
Quick question regarding move to overturn CU in MA
Does anyone have an up-to-date list of communities in the Commonwealth that have adopted an article supporting the repeal of the Citizens United decision? Have any of you been involved in the same, and if so, how did it go? Thanks much … [Read more...]
Occupy Monsanto on Monday Morning
Monsanto has become the company everyone loves to hate, and the face of all that's gone terribly amiss with conventional agricultural practices; in this case, an earned reputation. The geniuses there didn't invent the so-called "Green … [Read more...]