Governor Patrick, who according to the rag "The Herald', is on his way to DC for a dinner with the President. If: 1) He is offered a cabinet position, and 2) He accepts. I get that Tim Murray would become Governor, but would: * … [Read more...]
Why is it that early voting is not an option in MASS?
Why is it that early voting is not an option in Massachusetts? Is it only introduced into swing states like Florida and Ohio as the residual affects of some past attempts to steal an election? Has there ever been an attempt anytime in the … [Read more...]
When Trolls go wild.
There is an amazing article at the Daily Beast today (Andrew Sullivan's blog) about how right-wing Trolls are actively trying to destroy the Bear Hug Guy for having the nerve to be a registered Republican but think like an independent human … [Read more...]
An Act of Desperation
How low will Mitt Ronney go? Seriously: is this an issue that would change even a single vote if anyone was STUPID enough and I mean STUPID enough to believe. TPMLivewire: Romney Implies Obama Will Remove God From Coins, Obama Campaign … [Read more...]
Screw you guys – I’m going home.
Screw you guys - I'm going home. Four Years ago, primarily because of "The Phantom Gourmet" Show, I used to listen to WTKK all the time while at work, and while driving. Unfortunately, Jay Severan and Michelle McPhee turned the station … [Read more...]
Space Nerd Alert
At Space.Com, they have two videos about the soon to land Curiosity probe on Mars, one narrated by William Shatner and the other narrated by Wil Weaton. They are very similar, so if you see either one, most of the major points are … [Read more...]
What constitutes a dog whistle at BMG?
Submitted for your consideration: Why stop at Transcripts and GPAs? If the president ever took an SAT, it would have been under the old format where a perfect score is 1600 (800 + 800). Under the new format, introduced a few years ago, … [Read more...]
Happy Anniversary of First Moon Landing
Today is July 20, 2012; 43 years following the First Moon Landing, and about a month away from another fantastic Rover landing on Mars, and I find nothing on any sites that I have visited today about this. Anyway, since commenting on any … [Read more...]
A dilemma with a DINO
Two years ago, when the Affordable Care Act was originally voted on by congress, my DINO of a congressman, Stephen Lynch, voted against it. At the time, as someone with a preexisting condition, I swore that I would never vote for this … [Read more...]
Cognative Dissonance at Red Mass Group
Where else but at Red Mass Group, can such extremes coexist. A recent poll celebrating Richard Tisei being slightly ahead of John Tierney while only a few posts away, a pathetic case for anyone, including the president, who supports … [Read more...]