Well, I suppose we should not be surprised. My first reaction to yesterday's poll number was maybe Rove might reconsider taking a role in the race in Massachusetts. I mean it really is not all that ridiculous to think it might be best to … [Read more...]
Greenway Sees Red over Occupy…
Well it was only a matter of time before this happened. The Rose Kennedy Greenway has decided that they have had enough and passive recreation has been prevented long enough. They are formally asking the city to remove Occupy Boston. In … [Read more...]
And then There Were Nine…
After nearly a year of trepidation and fear the new maps for Massachusetts' congressional districts are out. At first glance I hate them. On a second look, I can live with them, but would demand some basic changes and offer a few desires … [Read more...]
And then there was Warren…
Certainly Warren has not won the nomination yet. She will likely still have several weeks of debates left, but it seems unlikely that anybody left in the race will force a primary election. I would not be surprised if it turns out like … [Read more...]
Of Jobs & Contributions
True to form, Senator Scott Brown voted against the latest piece of President Obama's jobs bill. Whether it was the mere fact that it raised $500 from the average millionaire or a firm belief the stimulus created zero jobs (there are lots … [Read more...]
#Occupy Your Right to Petition Your Gov’t
If you judge the excuses made by the city and its various arms over why the protesters at the 2nd encampment had to go, you can see that this was merely an assertion of authority. There was no legitimate reason to break up the protest as … [Read more...]
Elizabeth Warren’s Haul $3.15 million!
I just got an email from Elizabeth Warren's campaign that says she's raised more than $3 million for her Senate run. The email says 96% of contributions were below $100 and 11,000 contributions came from Massachusetts residents. While … [Read more...]
Brown Returns from Afghanistan. Tread Lightly!
It finally happened. Scott Brown is returning from Afghanistan safe and sound...wait, he left? Several months ago, Brown announced--then claimed it had been leaked--that he was going over to Afghanistan to "do some missions." It was … [Read more...]
Tricky Dick Would be Proud…
I have been known to be a bit of a Nixon apologist. Only a little. I mean lots of things I love, like the EPA, Amtrak, Clean Water, detente, and a few other things came into being while Nixon was president. However, at the end of the … [Read more...]
Terrible, but we live to FIGHT AGAIN!!
**This post has been cross posted on Western Mass Politics & Insight and DailyKos** President Barack Obama has announced that a deal has been reached to raise the debt ceiling. It is abysmal. The unemployed, sick and poor are … [Read more...]